Term 2 Week 1
Weekly 5 with Leadership
Gullarn ngheeree - Welcome to this beautiful place,
It is hard to believe that we are in Term 2. Community, conversations and connections abound in these last five days! As always, the first week back was immersed in the delight of conversations with our students (from driving go carts to driving trains to driving 11 hours in the car!) - savouring the special time that the Easter break allowed in slowing the pace a little, and spending time with those who have our hearts.
This week I also had the pleasure of meeting with Lynn Lapham and Mia Domigan from Boyne Smelters who coordinate the company’s community and school engagement. As we walked around the school, it was delightful to reflect on many of the Art installations which have had the generous support of BSL. Mia was so very impressed with the physical surroundings of the buildings and natural environment that our children are immersed in each day. We look forward to continued connections with BSL into the future.
Connections and partnerships with you, our parents, provide the best foundation of a learning community.
Next Monday morning (22 April), our Parents and Friends group meet at 8.30 am in the staffroom. A positive and energised group of parents met at our recent meeting where the model of collaborative partnership was chosen as the structure for our P&F. All parents and carers whose children are enrolled at our school are automatically members of the P&F. The P&F is an integral part of our community and the meetings provide a structure where parents and school work together for the benefit of the school and our children. This shared responsibility for the education of our children is foundational.
The cycle of school improvement provides a further opportunity this term for parents to share their thoughts through a survey which will be emailed out to all parents on 29 April. The survey will be open for two weeks to allow time to capture your thoughts. I am grateful, in advance, for your support.
God’s blessings on your weekend!
PAX et bonum,
Peace and all goodness
Prep Interviews 2025
P&F News
Anzac Day
Year 5 Leadership Presentation
School Photo Day - Monday 29 April
School photo day is coming up in Week 3 on Monday 29 April. You should have received your child's individual photo envelope home with them this week. Sibling photo envelopes have been sent home with the oldest child in the family. Photos can be purchased either online or with cash and the envelope is only due back if you are paying cash. Please reach out to the office if you haven't received your envelope or have any questions.